Services L1 & L2 Road from Treveor to School Hill, Perranwell Station
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LocationRoad from Treveor to School Hill, Perranwell Station
CauseRoad closure
Effective24/11/2022 - 30/11/2022
Road from Treveor to School Hill, Perranwell Station
From 24th November to 30th November 2022, the Road from Treveor to School Hill, Perranwell Station will be closed affectin the L1 and L2 services.
Buses will be diverting as follows:
Towards the College
Buses will travel down Tubbon Hill and then turn right at Pelean Cross and travel down the A393 to Treluswell roundabout. They will then follow the A39 to Devoran roundabout and take the first exit down to the crossroads where they will resume their normal line of route.
Towards Stithians
At the end of Old Carnon Hill, buses will turn right and travel down to Carnon Gate roundabout. They will then travel down the A39 towards Perranarworthal and right when they reach Treluswell roundabout. They will then travel up the A393 until they reach Pelean Cross, where they will turn left onto Tubbon Hill and resume their normal line of route
Unfortunately, we will not be able to serve Peranwell during these times.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.