• Location
    St Agnes
  • Cause
    St Agnes Christmas Lights
  • Effective
    03/12/2023 - 03/12/2023

St Agnes Christmas Lights will be taking place on the 3rd of December between the hours of 16:30 and 18:00.

This will affect the U1 service.

Buses will be diverting as follows:

Towards Newquay

Buses will take their normal line of route to Sevenmilestone garage, then turn right and travel along Goonown Road. They will then turn right after the bus stop up Goonbell, until they reach the B3285 where they will resume their normal line of route.

Towards Falmouth

From the B3285, buses will turn left down Goonbell and follow the road to the bottom where they will turn into Goonown Road. They will carry on to and another Penwinnick Road where they will resume their normal line of route.

Unfortunately, we will be unable to serve St Agnes for the duration of this closure.

we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

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