Thank you for joining in with The Great First Bus Expedition 2024! 

Please input the steps or distance you’ve travelled below and help us reach 55 million steps - enough to walk around the world! 

If you, your family or friends do any more steps, don’t forget to add them to our total by the end of Wednesday 31st July. Thank you for taking part.


steps taken so far

0 mil
11 mil
22 mil
33 mil
44 mil
55 mil

Steps by Location

Central Functions

23183773 steps

Manchester, Midlands and South Yorkshire

12675821 steps

Cymru & West of England

11366216 steps


6458992 steps

First Travel Solutions

5980879 steps

North & West Yorkshire

4927111 steps

South & South West

3496917 steps

East of England

3217179 steps

Somerset Passenger Solutions

2180669 steps


1665976 steps

Our steps campaign ended on 01/08/2024

Please see the results above.