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Valid from 01/10/2024 to 11/10/2024

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1B: RGU Garthdee/Bridge Street - Dubford (Bridges)
Via Bridge Of Dee-City Centre-Denmore

Tuesday to Friday
Service No.: 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B
Stop code: 639006463
0600 0628 0659 0723 0812 0842 0912 0942 1012 1042
Stop code: 639006402
0606 0634 0705 0729 0819 0849 0919 0949 1019 1049
Stop code: 639006402
0606 0634 0705 0729 0820 0850 0920 0950 1020 1050
Stop code: 639003622
0609 0637 0708 0733 0824 0854 0924 0954 1024 1054
Stop code: 639003091
0621 0649 0720 0747 0839 0909 0939 1007 1037 1107
Stop code: 639005514
0630 0658 0729 0759 0851 0921 0951 1017 1047 1117
Service No.: 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B
Stop code: 639006463
1112 1142 1212 1242 1312 1342 1412 1442 1512 1542
Stop code: 639006402
1119 1149 1219 1249 1319 1349 1419 1449 1519 1549
Stop code: 639006402
1120 1150 1220 1250 1320 1350 1420 1450 1520 1550
Stop code: 639003622
1124 1154 1224 1254 1325 1355 1425 1455 1525 1555
Stop code: 639003091
1137 1207 1237 1307 1338 1408 1438 1508 1539 1609
Stop code: 639005514
1147 1217 1247 1317 1348 1418 1448 1519 1550 1620
Service No.: 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B
Stop code: 639006463
1612 1642 1712 1750 1835 1920 2000 2100 2205 2315
Stop code: 639006402
1619 1649 1719 1757 1842 1926 2006 2106 2211 2321
Stop code: 639006402
1620 1650 1720 1758 1843 1927 2006 2106 2211 2321
Stop code: 639003622
1625 1655 1725 1803 1847 1931 2010 2110 2215 2325
Stop code: 639003091
1640 1710 1740 1818 1900 1943 2022 2122 2227 2337
Stop code: 639005514
1651 1721 1751 1829 1910 1953 2031 2131 2236 2346

1B: Dubford - RGU Garthdee/Bridge Street (Bridges)
Via Denmore-City Centre-Bridge Of Dee

Tuesday to Friday
Service No.: 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B
Stop code: 639005514
0555 0630 0700 0730 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1030
Stop code: 639003092
0604 0639 0709 0740 0811 0841 0911 0940 1010 1040
Stop code: 639003623
0616 0651 0722 0754 0826 0856 0925 0954 1023 1053
Stop code: 639006404
0620 0655 0726 0758 0832 0902 0931 1000 1028 1058
Stop code: 639006404
0620 0655 0726 0758 0833 0903 0932 1001 1029 1059
Stop code: 639006463
0622 0657 0729 0802 0837 0907 0936 1005 1033 1103
Service No.: 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B
Stop code: 639005514
1100 1130 1200 1230 1300 1330 1400 1430 1500 1530
Stop code: 639003092
1110 1140 1210 1240 1310 1340 1410 1440 1510 1540
Stop code: 639003623
1123 1153 1223 1253 1323 1353 1423 1454 1524 1555
Stop code: 639006404
1128 1158 1228 1258 1328 1358 1428 1459 1529 1601
Stop code: 639006404
1129 1159 1229 1259 1329 1359 1429 1500 1530 1602
Stop code: 639006463
1133 1203 1233 1303 1333 1403 1433 1504 1534 1606
Service No.: 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B
Stop code: 639005514
1600 1630 1700 1730 1800 1845 1930 2030 2135 2245
Stop code: 639003092
1611 1641 1711 1741 1810 1855 1940 2040 2145 2255
Stop code: 639003623
1626 1656 1726 1756 1823 1908 1953 2053 2158 2308
Stop code: 639006404
1632 1702 1732 1802 1828 1913 1957 2057 2202 2312
Stop code: 639006404
1633 1703 1733 1803 1829 1914 1957 2057 2202 2312
Stop code: 639006463
1637 1707 1737 1806 1832 1917 1959 2059 2204 2314